Tcl-Applet for the Photokinetics-Experiment

Kinetical evaluation of the photo reaction of trans-stilbene

Y ou'll need the Tcl-Plugin(internet-link: "") to run this program. Please click here(internet-link: "") to download.

B esides a screenshot of this internet demo version of the program you may want to take a look at the feature-extended and slightly more comfortable stand-alone version

The download and start of the applet will take a few seconds. Please wait...

T he Tcl-applet (also called Tclet) shown above serves for the evaluation of the reaction spectrum measured during the experiment. In addition to the interactive observation of graphical evaluation steps the program allows the calclation of numerical values, e.g. the quantum yield.

T his page and the applet are also available in german.
Diese Seite und das Applet gibt es auch in einer deutschen Version.

Prof. Gauglitz
Group Optical Spectroskopy

Last updated 13-June-1997

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